The Iranian Concrete Association’s Board of Directors visited the ready-mixed concrete factory of Gharb Crusher

On the 23rd of May 1403, the members of the Iranian Concrete Association’s Board of Directors visited the ready-mixed concrete complex of Sang Shekan Gharb, which is the largest ready-mixed concrete production complex in Iran.

The members of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Concrete Association visited the production and laboratory departments of the Sang Shekan Gharb and discussed and agreed upon the improvement of the quality of ready-mixed concrete in Iran.

The laboratory and research and development unit in the Sang Shekan Gharb, as one of the most important parts of the complex, is continuously conducting research, development and specialized tests with the aim of producing new products and increasing the quality, durability and resistance of the current products.

As the largest laboratory in the field of ready-mixed concrete in Iran, the Sang Shekan Gharb Laboratory uses the most advanced equipment and the best experts in the field of ready-mixed concrete knowledge.